Revised Features

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1) Singularity

It is also called collapsed core. Physicists call the zero-volume, infinitely dense region at the center of a black hole a singularity. According to general relativity, a black hole's mass is entirely compressed into a region with zero volume, which means its density and gravitational pull are infinite.

2) Event horizon

Event horizon is the opening of Black hole. The defining feature of a black hole, the event horizon is a surface in spacetime that marks a point of no return. Once an object has crossed this surface there is no way that it can return to the other side. Consequently, anything inside this surface is completely hidden from observers outside.

3) Photon Sphere

The photon sphere is a spherical boundary of zero thickness such that photons moving along tangents to the sphere will be trapped in a circular orbit.

4) Ergosphere

Ergo is the greek word used for energy. An egg-shaped region of distorted space around the event horizon (The distortion is caused by the spinning of the black hole, which "drags" the space around it).

5) Static limit

This is the boundary between the ergosphere and normal space. If an object passes into the ergosphere it can still be ejected from the black hole by gaining energy from the hole's rotation.
However, if an object crosses the event horizon, it will be sucked into the black hole and never escape. What happens inside the black hole is unknown, even our current theories of physics do not apply in the vicinity of a singularity.

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KERR BLACK HOLE (Rotating Black Hole)

The Kerr black hole, which is probably the most common form in nature, rotates because the star from which it was formed was rotating. When the rotating star collapses, the core continues to rotate, and this carried over to the black hole (conservation of angular momentum).

There are some features of Kerr Black Hole and i will tell them in my coming posts.

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Schwarzschaild Black Hole

Schwarzschaild Black Hole:
This is the simplest black hole after the German astronomer Schwarzschaild.
  • It does not rotate.
  • It is simplest Black Hole.
  • It has no charge or angular momentum.
Certainly, this model does't exist in the universe but it allows to start the main concept.This type of black hole has only a singularity and an event horizon.

Schwarzschaild Radius:
One of the well known contribution to the science was Gravitational radius or
Schwarzschaild Radius. This is the radius characteristics associated with every mass. It states that " If any spherical mass were to change and to acquire that radius, no known force could prevent it from gravitational singularity. This gravitational singularity is called the "BLACK HOLE".
The equation of this radius is:-
G= gravitational constant
m= mass of gravitational object
c= velocity of light

A Very Interesting Note On Schwarzschaild Radius:

Schwarzschaild obtained the solution after the few months of Einstein's discovered the theory of General relativity. This was the first solution of einstein's general relativity. Einstein later stated:I had not expected that one could make the exact solution of the problem in such a simple way. It was very important discovery of Schwarzschaild, it proves the existance of Black Holes in our space.

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Types of Black Holes

There are two types of black holes one is stationary or rotating and other is rotating.

1) Non-rotating black hole (Schwarzschild Black Hole)
2) Rotating black hole (Kerr Black Hole)

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Growth Of Black Hole

Once a black hole has formed, it can continue to grow by absorbing additional matter. Any black hole will continually absorb interstellar dust from its direct surroundings.

A simple black hole

The term "Black Hole" comes from the fact that, at a certain point, even electromagnetic radiation (e.g. visible light) is unable to break away from the attraction of these massive objects. A black hole would thus appear black from the outside. (However, gas around a black hole can be very bright).

In My next posts I will discuss the other features oh black holes in our space.

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Mystry Of Our Space

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PHENOMENON: How stars come to black hole

1) Stars perpetuate their existence with hydrogen bombs exploding in them. During these explosions a portion of matter is transferred into energy, emitting heat of immeasurably high temperature. Conversion of one gram of matter into energy may be obtained by burning two million kilograms of coal.

2) Eventually, the hydrogen in the centre of the star will run out. A star uses but a small portion of its matter as fuel, and when this fuel is exhausted, it dies off. The lifetime that ALLAH designed for the living had also been distributed for the stars.
Gravity will take over and the centre of the star will shrink. This is called gravitational collapse.

Gravitational collapse in astronomy is the inward fall of a massive body under the influence of the force of gravity. It occurs when all other forces fail to supply a sufficiently high pressure to counterbalance gravity and keep the massive body in hydrostatic equilibrium.

In this sense a star is in a "temporary" equilibrium state between a gravitational collapse at stellar birth and a further gravitational collapse at stellar death.

Let’s see how stars come to the Black holes.

(A star)

Gravitational Collapse

(a) The onion-layered shells of elements undergo fusion, forming an iron core (b) The star on hydrogen (c) Infalling material to bounce (d) The red lines are the star on gravity both the effects cancel out each other (e) The surrounding material is blasted away (f) Fuel of stars is run out and gravity takes place.

4) As the centre collapses, it becomes very hot again, eventually getting hot enough to start a new kind of nuclear fusion with Helium as the fuel.

5) Then they grow in size, as if magnified, and become Red giant or super giant.

6) Their temperature, around 15 million degrees, rises up to 100 million degrees.

(Red Giant)

(Super Giants)

7) The area covered by a super giant is so vast that it can easily contain more than sixty million suns. The immensity of these numerical values is indicative of the magnitudes indicated in 76th verse of the sura.

8) Then the Red Giant shrinks and the star looks “normal” again.

9) This does not last very long, though, as the Helium runs out very quickly and again the star forms a Red Giant

10) Eventually it can become almost as small as human being, but with the same mass as a whole star! This very dense object is called a White Dwarf.

11) Because the star was so big, the collapse does not stop even with a White Dwarf, but an even denser object called a Neutron Star (Pulsar) is made.

12) The outer parts of the star (that formed the Red Giant) then drift off into space and cool down making a Planetary Nebula.

Here you can see a planetary nebula with its White Dwarf in the middle:-

Planetary nebula M57

The Cat's Eye Nebula

The Helix Nebula

The Ring Nebula

The Eskimo Nebula

The Dumbbell Nebula

13) For more massive (bigger) stars than the Sun, many more types of nuclear fusion can take place. This means several more Red Giant stages. However, eventually even the biggest stars run out of fuel and finally collapse

14)For the biggest stars, this collapse causes a huge explosion called a Supernova! A Supernova can be brighter than an entire galaxy of 100,000,000,000 stars!

Tyco and Cas A

The Crab Nebula is a pulsar wind nebula Tycho and Cas Aassociated with the 1054 supernova

15) Stars supposed to form in the final stage of the stellar evolution; these consist of a super dense mass mainly of neutrons having a strong attractive force. The matter in the neutron stars is extremely dense. Just to give you an idea, a teaspoonful of this matter would weigh one billion tons. The density of a Neutron star is about 1x1018 kg/m3 (that is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000!)

16) The end states are called compact stars (Very massive and have a small radius but actual structure is not known). In astronomy the term compact star (sometimes compact object) is used to refer collectively to white dwarfs, neutron stars, other exotic dense stars, and black holes.

21) Sometimes the collapse cannot stop at all and a Black Hole is made, from which not even light can escape.


Black Hole in front of the Milky Way. The hole has 10 solar masses and is viewed from a distance of 600 km. An acceleration of about 400 million g is necessary to sustain this distance constantly.

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Black Holes and Mighty Vow

فلا اقسم بموقع النجوم

پس میں قسم کھاتا ہوں ستاروں کے گرنے کی۔

75- So, I swear by the place where the stars fall.

وانه لقسم لو تعلمون عظيم

اور اگر تمهيں معلوم هو تو يه بهت بڑى قسم هے (آيت 76-75 سورة واقع پاره27 )

76- And that is indeed a mighty vow, if you but knew. 56-The Inevitable, 75-76

The expression “place where... fall” موقع (mawqi) also mentioned in the sura, The Cave (Kehf), verse 53,

وراالمجرمون النار فظنو آانهم مواقعوها ولم يجدوا عنها مصرفا (آيت 53 سورة کھف پاره 15)

means the place where the sinners fall, i.e., hell. The root of this word is وقع “WaQa’Aa” and it means the “action of falling”.


The place where the stars fall is stressed by a vow coupled with the tag “mighty.”

We shall see incommensurately great mathematical figures in connection with the death of stars whose fuel is exhausted. The great numerical values in the universe come about at the death of stars, to which reference is made with the following words in the Quran,

“And that is indeed a mighty vow, if you but knew.” وانه لقسم لوتعلمونعظيم

Everybody versed in physics knows that one of the most interesting phenomena in the universe is the black hole that comes about in the merge of the death of massive stars whose magnitudes are greater than three times the size of our sun. Having exhausted their fuel, these cosmic bodies die, collapsing inward upon themselves. The giant stars that contract possess a great gravitational force. This force is so immense that even light, with its velocity of approximately 300,000 km/sec, cannot escape from it. Black holes absorb even the light that passes by. Later on, a great many planets and stars are attracted by this gravitational force. That’s why black holes also constitute “the place where the stars fall.” The existence of black holes is assumed from the fact that they attract as whirlpools the matter of other nearby stars and emit X-rays, swallowing all the lights and stars around. The most interesting studies on Black hole is of Stephen Hawking.

The black holes formed by the collapse of stars by their gravitational force are in perfect conformity with verses 75-76 of the sura, inevitable سورة واقع. At the time of the descent of the Quran, the end of a star by being transformed into a black hole was something unknown. A star turning into a black hole and the stages it goes through are very interesting phenomena.

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